Wish you all a happy New Year. I thought I will put this stock sheet across for you to make meaningful fitness decisions this year.
I interacted with almost 100 people in the last 50 days and one common thing I noticed was everyone is running wild and mad in the pretext of career, money, work, family issues etc.
I am no connoisseur of talking about philosophy and neither am I going to give you ‘gyaan’. I am just going to put things in perspective here and the decision has to come from within. It’s time I cut to the chase.
Score yourself a 1 if your answer is Yes and a 0 if your answer is a No.YES=1
1 I go to bed by at least 10.30 pm
2 I drink my fish oil capsules without fail every day of my life (a minimum of 3 Grams)
3 I take one multi vitamin everyday
4 I eat at least 2 fruits a day
5 I eat a handful of dry fruits/nuts a day
6 I make sure I eat 3 glycemic ally balanced meal every day
7 I make sure I snack on healthy foods every 3 hours
8 I do not consume any processed foods
9 I do not consume deep fried foods
10 I do not snack on sugar based products
11 I never go without food for more than 3 hours at any point of the day
12 I consume at least 3 cups of vegetables a day
13 I have proteins for every meal
14 I do not consume grains after 6 pm
15 I do not smoke
16 I do not consume alcohol
17 I exercise at least 30 mins a day
18 Relaxation: music/meditate/go for a jolly walk/ yoga
19 I do not sleep more than 10 hours a day
20 I do not sleep less than 7 hours a day
Based on your answers add the score.
If your score is 18 or above, you’re in a beautiful space in life and have all the reason to feel good about life and health.
If your score is between 15 and 18, you’re doing fine, but require a little fine tuning. Choose one more pointer from the list and include it in your lifestyle.
If your score is between 12 and 14 you are just starting to lose the plot. Wake up.
If your score is 11 or below, you are burning on either end. You need professional help.